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Monday, October 24, 2011

Legend of the Dragon Chinese & appearance in In History

Dragon, the most famous mythological creatures in the world. The whole world has thelegend of each. But it is undeniable that the Dragon of Chinese legend is most interesting.Could flying creatures bodied snakes, horned and has claws it really exist?
In Europe, dragons are always represented as an evil creature. However, for the people of China, the dragon symbolizes strength and power. So great tribute to this creature of the Chinese emperors who so gallant proudly wearing a dragon as their symbol.
For the Chinese, the dragon is one of the four spiritual beings who have the highestrespect. Three other creatures is a Phoenix, Qilin (Kirin) and the Tortoise. But among all,the dragon is the most powerful.

Characteristics of the Dragon and the number 9
In Chinese mythology, dragons have a very close relationship with the number "9". For example, the real Chinese dragon has nine characteristics that are a combination of other creatures.

1. He has a head like a camel
2. Scales like a fish
3. Horns like a deer
4. Her eyes were like a stealth
5. His ears were like the ox
6. Her neck like a snake
7. His stomach like oysters
8. The soles of his feet like a tiger
9. And paws are like eagles.

Addition to the 9 characteristics, the dragon in Chinese mythology is said to have ninechildren who also have different characteristics.
It also has 117 scales. 81 of them have the character of Yang (Positive) and another 36have the character of Yin (negative).

In general, the Chinese dragon has three or four claws on each foot. But the Chineseempire using the symbol of a dragon with five claws to show that the Emperor was not aregular dragon. This symbol became the exclusive symbol should only be used by the emperor. Anyone who dared to use the symbol of a dragon with five claws will soon be put to death.

Four Types of Dragons
In Chinese literature, at least not found more than 100 names of different dragons.However, for convenience, the Chinese Dragon usually classified into four types, namely:
Tien Lung the Heavenly Dragon or in charge of guarding the palace of the gods.
Shen Lung or Spiritual Dragon who has power over wind and rain
Ti Lung or Dragons of Earth who has power over water in the earth's surface
Lung or Dragons world Fucang under the charge of maintaining the earth's treasures that exist in it.
Four types of smelling dragon may be spiritual, but as I said above, there are still about 100 names other dragons.

Of the approximately 100 names, it is seen that the Chinese dragon is actually not always associated with spiritual beings. 
Could be, the dragon is an animal that has a real physical.

Therefore, we must separate the Spiritual Dragon with Dragon as a real animal.

Chinese dragon and Cryptozoology
For example, Jiao Lung or Dragons Crocodiles. 
Horned dragon and the species is not known as a leader of the water animals. Based on its name, there is a possibility that this type of dragon is a crocodile. The mention of this parallel as the Komodo Dragon is the name of the dragon to a giant reptilian creatures called dragons. This name clearly indicates that China's Dragon does not always mean flying creatures bodied snakes, horned, grouse and clawed.
Another example is the Pan Lung or Dragons Spiral. 
This type of dragon dwells in the lake and have not been able to ascend into heaven to be spiritual beings. This could be a dragon type creature refer to similar water snake or eel. Examples are Oarfish (who lived in the sea) that has enough unique characteristics that people often compare it with the Chinese dragon

There is a possibility that a similar creature sightings in the lakes Oarfish China has been regarded as the appearance of a dragon.

Then, there is Fei Lung aka the Dragon Fly. 
This dragon has wings and driving clouds and fog. Interestingly, this name is also used to refer to pterosaurs in Mandarin. Fei Lung is probably the same type of dragon with dragon Europe.

Dragon sightings in the history of China
If some Chinese Dragon can be categorized into the cryptid creatures, have no testimony about the sightings?
The answer: There!

History of the Chinese state has been started since thousands of years BC. 
During this period, scholars documenting every event in a neat records, including the events of dragon sightings at various places in China.

However, events that poured into it might have been interpreted based on the understanding of the Chinese nation and culture of the past so that some of the story sounds quite mystical. 
However, another story has similarities with the case of an encounter with cryptid creatures.

One example of a dragon sighting events recorded in the book Recording for the Jiaxing Regional Government is telling that in September 1588, a white dragon seen flying over the lake surface area of
​​Ping in Pinghu, Zhejiang province. Light emitted from the white dragon is so light that illuminates some of the sky with the bright red color.

In another book, Recording for the Songjiang Regional Government, stated that 20 years after the appearance of a white dragon in the lake Ping's, a similar white dragon is also seen flying over the Huangpu River in Songjiang, Shanghai. 
The dragon was seen in July 1608. An eyewitness said she saw a god was standing at the head of the dragon.

Testimony regarding the existence of god who drove the dragon is an example of an encounter with the dragon as a testimony of spiritual beings. 
In addition, there are other witnesses who did not mention the existence of god or dragon fly. Testimonies of this sounds very similar to the stories of cryptid sightings beings in general. Below are some examples:

In the 24 th of the reign of Emperor Jian'an Dong Han Dynasty (219 AD), a yellow dragon appeared in Chishui River in Wuyang city and dwelt there until nine days before finally going. 
After that, the villagers built a temple there and an inscription was made as a tribute to the dragon.

In April of the year 345 AD, the first year of the emperor Yonghe, two dragons, one white and the other black, appeared on the mountain Long. 
This makes for the emergence of the dragon emperor Murong Yan led a number of royal officials to the mountain to see the dragons. When it got there, they held a religious ceremony at a distance of 200 yards from both the dragon.

Hundreds of years later, in the same mountain, a dragon re-emerged. 
This event is recorded in the book History of the Yuan Dynasty

"In July, the 27-year reign of the emperor Zhiyuan (1290 AD), a dragon appeared near the mountain Long Linxong area, Shandong province. The dragon was able to make a big rock floating in the air.

No further explanation on how to make great stone dragon was flying.

Year 1162, a dragon dead found in the lake called Taibai. 
This dragon has a long tentacle with large scales. His back is black while the belly is white. On the back there is a fin, whereas in the head there are two big horns. Because the creature was issued a bad odor, the population then covered with a mattress. Local authorities immediately ordered the procurement of prayer ceremony at the site. One day after discovery, the carcass of the dragon lost some where.

Other testimony is recorded by the book Recording for the Lin'an Regional Government is telling that in the year 1631, the 4th year of the reign of emperor Chongzhen, a large dragon looks at a lake in Yunnan province. 
Because of this appearance, the lake is then given a name which means lake Yilong mysterious dragon. The name is still used today.

Another book, Amanded Recording of the Tang Dynasty, noted the discovery of a dead dragon events are black in Tongcheng territory. 
This incident occurred in the last year reign Xiantong emperor. Interestingly, this book provides a fairly detailed description of the dragon. Mentioned that the length of the dragon that is about 30 meters where half of its tail. The flat end of a dragon's tail, its scales like a fish and two horns on his head grow.Tentacle on the side of his mouth has a length of 6 meters. His legs are growing in her stomach has a layer of red. This description is very similar to the classic Chinese dragon picture.

Book Seven Books and Scriptures written Ying Long also noted the discovery of dragon events that occurred during the last year reign Chenghua emperor of the Ming Dynasty.The dragon is found on the coast of Xinhui, Guangdong province. 
Fishermen who saw it hit the creature to death. The length of the dragon is about 10 feet and looks similar to a dragon in classical paintings. This story is quite strange because a fisherman who saw the dragon is generally not going to beat him to death, remembering the Chinese have great respect for these creatures. Perhaps the creature was disturbing to the fishermen, but we can not tell.

Books History for the Yongping Regional Government notes that in the spring of the 19th reign of Emperor Daoguang (1839), a dragon is found on a riverbank in the area Laoting Luanhe. 
Dragon carcass was seen surrounded by flies and maggots. The locals then built a shelter to protect it from direct sunlight. They also poured cold water on his body. Legend has it that three days later, the dragon back to life and walked away.

Modern events involving the discovery of a dragon is occurring in August 1944. 
Preached black dragon fell to the ground in the village Weizi Chen family in the yard, about 9.4 miles northwest of Zhaoyuan region, south of Mudan River in Heilongjiang province. The black dragon is found in a lifeless condition. Witnesses said that this creature has horns on his head and the scales that cover his entire body. The creature has a smell like fish that attract flies to surrounded him.

From all the testimony, appears one interesting question. 
If the dragon mentioned in some of the testimony was a real animal, the animal does have a body like a snake, horns, legs and has a tentacle on the side of his mouth?

That's the mystery.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Create a Facebook application to update the status of a unique

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Deaths unexpected

Every living thing was created for dead on each time. There are deaths that are caused only unexpected things can make a trivial but lives lost. Here are some examples of unexpected deaths, but there are many more examples are reminded that other people should still be cautious and not shrugged it off.

Death due to sewer (sewer).

This is a strange death, sad and very tragic. 
In 2008, a Canadian man was killed after trying to retrieve a stolen wallet and entered in the drainage water (sewer). He called the police before taking the wallet in the gutter. But police found the man's head was stuck in a ditch a few feet below the road (road ditch below). He was rushed to hospital, but then his life was spared.

Died of deodorant.

In 1998, a boy aged 16 years from England died of a heart attack after exposure to steam deodorants (deodorant spray) too much.He seemed obsessed with personal hygiene and want always fresh, so he spray the entire body with deodorant at least twice per day. 
He never thought in danger. An autopsy found that there are 10 times the amount of butane and propane are lethal in the bloodstream. Apparently the boy's frequent use of deodorant in a cramped place, but such products are recommended for use in well-ventilated place.

Died of a beard.

Many people who recorded the longest beard, the latest is a Canadian man named Sarwan Singh who holds the Guinness World Record for having the longest beard (2.36 m). 
But none of those who have problems with having a long beard, except a man from Austria in the mid-1500s. Hans Steininger's beard is only 1.4 m, but it makes experiencing adverse events. Hans was always known to roll up his beard in the bag, but one day in 1567 he did not have time to do the ritual. When a fire occurs in the city, he tripped because of his beard while trying to save themselves.It was reported that a broken neck and died in the fire.

Sheep died of hunger.

Sheep are very docile creatures and it is known that these hairy animals are grazing. 
Unfortunately, in 1999, Betty Stobbs, a woman in England found that sheep can also have an aggressive side when it is hungry enough. In one night, when Stobbs will feed the pet sheep, flock of sheep is actually pursuing Stobbs who was in all-terrain vehicle (ATV). He fell and struck by a vehicle.

Death due to wear a wire bra.

Two women in London, England, in 1999, reportedly died from using wire bra. 
Not a bra that strangled the two women, but in the bra wire that acts as a conductor that conduct electric current.Reported that two women are killed by lightning burned right at the wire in her bra. Both the woman's chest looks charred and make them died instantly.

Hitler's Letter of Agreement With the Devil

Dr. Leiber Greta from Germany, a paranormal specialist demon hunter who finds a mysterious letter agreement but is expected authentic.

Hitler's Letter of Agreement With the Devil

In the ruins of the former building used by Adolf Hitler committed suicide, Dr. 
Greta found a Letter of Agreement which allegedly is the agreement between Hitler and Satan.

The letter agreement dated 30 April 1932. 
This letter was signed with the blood of both parties. In it, the devil named Lucifer promised to give to Hitler unlimited power.

The Fuhrer would be the absolute ruler of the whole country of Germany and parts of Europe, so it will be praised and honored millions of people. 
Although to get all of it must use the power of large-scale evil. In return Hitler gave his soul to the devil 13 years later.

In front of 11 people Dihadirkannya panelists in a symposium, Dr.. 
Greta says that: "Pact treaty truly authentic".
"What is written in it, fits well with the course of history and hundreds of cases that occurred during World War II took place" he added.

According to Dr. 
Greta, history has shown, that Hitler failed in his action before the year 1932. "He failed to finish high school. Also 2 times slumped in art school entrance exams. He became unemployed, and even once went to jail," said Dr. Greta about some of Hitler's life journey.

Post-1932, Hitler's life completely changed. 
People began to listen to his remarks. Like a rocket, his career took off very quickly. Right in the month of January 1933 Hitler had become ruler of the German Kingdom.
And on April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years from the date of the agreement with the devil Pact was signed, Hitler's power collapsed.

Copy of the agreement allegedly made between Hitler and Lucifer was found in an iron chest, in the former building where Hitler thought of suicide. 
Although the letter was slightly damaged but still legible. The letter agreement is now in the Berlin Institute of History Germany as research material.

History And The Creator Font type Times New Roman

Trees can not make money known since time immemorial. But not on this tree. Mysteriously, money-money coins appear on thebranches of forest trees in the UK.
Strange phenomenon that the whole tree branches containing thecoins are found in the Peak District, Scottish Highlands.According to previous belief, a coin that is attached to thebranches of trees can give good luck on that person.

Unique Tree.

The tradition of making offerings to the gods originated hundredsof years ago. But the combination of manmade and naturalobjects is something that is much more rare. According to belief,holy spirits live in trees.

Therefore, many people decorate the tree with candy and giftssuch as Christmas.
"After conducting an investigation, the tree proved to be a 'tree of hope'. In England, in the 1700s in Scotland there is a tree similar to this tree and the man who stuck a coin into this tree will be healthy," said manager Meurig Jones tourist destination.

Conversely, if someone were to take one coin from this tree, then the person will fall ill

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